Sugar Mass Of The Fermenting Dregs Last Fm MASS OF THE FERMENTING DREGS is a posthardcore/shoegaze trio formed in Kobe, Japan in 02 with members 小倉直也 (Naoya Ogura) (guitar and vocal), 宮本菜津子 (Natsuko Miyamoto) (bass Mass of the Fermenting Dregs discography and songs Music profile for Mass of the Fermenting Dregs, formed 02 Mass of the Fermenting Dregs World is Yours Hailing from Kobe, Japan, Mass of the Fermenting Dregs (Massu Obu Za Faamentingu Doreggusu) play shoegazeinfluenced post rock with some stylistic nods to the choppy post punk rhythms of Gang of Four and the noisy freakouts of Sonic Youth It's all wrapped up in an awesomely catchy package thanks to Mass of the fermenting dregs rar
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